

Our proposal is that an organisation be formed to support craft brewers and the process of peer review be used to determine whether the brewer produces a product of sufficient quality to be allowed to join.
Membership of the organisation is open to all brewers regardless of method of dispense provided that their peers determine them to be of sufficient quality. This organisation is about good beer, not bland fermented malt products aimed at the lowest common denominator

Potential members could be nominated through two routes:

self nomination: a brewer or seller wishes to join the organisation. If two current members are willing to back them then they are given probationary membership to be accepted by a simple majority at a future AGM.

peer nomination: Two current members suggest an organisation that might like to join and a full membership is offered.

In all cases a membership may be terminated if a motion is made for AGM that the member can no longer be considered a craft brewer. Again a simple majority of all voting members will be required to remove their membership. This process will be fully transparent, notified in advance; so that a defence may be mounted and the consequences fully explained. Voting will be possible both at the AGM and in advance electronically by those members unable to attend.