Friday, 30 September 2011

Poll Results

So reviewing the previous poll it seems that 50% of voters think it should be open to all (with a proportion of those suggesting approval by members at AGM).

So Craft Beer UK will be open to all, with the provisio that at a future AGM membership may be subject to review.

If any brewers wish to join Craft Beer UK it is currently free. We will include your brewery on the map and link from our links page. More will follow as we decide the best way forward!

Thank you everyone who voted.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Membership: You decide!

Further to feedback from various interested peoples we've decided to run a pollto decide the best membership policy for brewers. Individuals are welcome to sign up regardless of affiliation. Please leave a comment on the post or poll if you have anything further to add. Thanks!

How should membership be decided?
Open to all breweries
Open to all breweries up to a certain size
Probationary membership open to all with vote at AGM
Open to any brewery that self declares as "craft"
Decided by a panel of members "peer review"
Other (please comment below) free polls